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Fintech Week 2025


Fintech Week 2025 is an annual conference that brings important figures from the financial technology industry to talk about new trends, connect with others, and learn from each other. It’s all about the financial technology sector, and it’s where professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and regulators from across the globe come together.

It is anticipating more than 300 people to attend, including startup founders, big company bosses, and important people from companies that are changing how we do business. Fintech Week 2025 is a chance for people to come together and share ideas from all over the world. It’s a big opportunity to learn and share with others who work in the same industry, and we’re excited to see what everyone brings to the event.

Fintech Week 2025 takes place in Singapore 04.-06. february 2025 - More information: https://fintech.peoplevents.uk/


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