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DevDays Europe 2023


The DevDays Europe conference is back and it will be an exceptional edition in 2023.

DevDays Europe is a software development conference bringing together internationally recognized speakers and developers to encourage excellence and innovation in the software development community.

One Ticket - Two Conferences!

By joining the DevDays Europe 2023 conference, you get access to the DevOps Pro Europe 2023 conference happening alongside.

It’s great value – because by registering for one conference you and your team get access to any of the sessions across both.

There is even more!

The DevDays and DevOps conferences will be happening and ON-SITE, and ONLINE, allowing everyone to join the event in the selected format.

❗️ Secure your spot now: https://devdays.lt/tickets/ Get 10 % discount with this Code: DDEU23


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